Registered for The Race for Life
If you know me, you know I like running. It's like a type of prozac for me. Whenever I run (or walk by myself) it's my time for my brain to do what it wants, have it's own wee silly thoughts, or totally shut down and not have to think or stress out about anything.
Now as much as I love running, It does not love me. Any time I get back into it something happens, normally injury. Normally shin splints, but unfortunately I've also picked up a few problems with my calves that I have to do a bit of physio for.
Anyway, due to that and the weather / Christmas, I'd say that my running levels are slim to none at the minute and I've been advised that when I do return to it, to do little mileage, but often. So that is my plan.
I'm doing it for a few reasons. Partly for myself, I am doing this run alone and to see that I can do something that's organised. Although I will hopefully be doing the Belfast Marathon's fun run (*see below) a few weeks before. I hope what ever my time is for the fun run, that I am able to beat it in this race for life.
I'm also doing it because it's a good cause. I'm sure everyone reading this has been affected in one way or another by cancer. If funding can help, I want to get back into it again (I've done runs and abseils when I was a teenager).
My training for it will begin this week. Starting with treadmill runs before pounding the pavement when the weather improves :) I'm quite excited for it despite the fact it isn't until the end of May. Expect to have a number of posts regarding the training and leading up to the event!
* I am also doing the Belfast Marathon fun run. I did want to do the half marathon this year. But, not making too many excuses, I don't want to hurt my legs to the point where I can't run again for a while, so I've settled for the fun run. The charity I've picked is one that's very, very dear to me, the NI Hospice. And when I get confirmation that I'm running for them, you will have me torture and beg you again for contributions.
That's it for tonight!
Sarah xx
PS. Pretty please donate, they are good causes and if you do, remember to gift aid it if you are a UK tax payer!!!
And I've also changed the domain name of the site. I explaoin it a bit more here
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