Easter 2011 & two wee road trips
Easter this year feels like it's sneeked up on me. Even though it is later this year. I still feel surprise. Now I'm not by any means a religious person but lets face it, as with most holidays these days, it's more about the chocolate than anything else (Valentines, Easters, my birthday, halloween, christmas, all chocolate. And I love it) This will be a pretty long post as I have almost 60 pictures to share!
As my weightwatchers class is on a Tuesday, there is no class on Easter Tuesday and in the topic we covered in the meeting before easter I think is brilliant, so brilliant I'm going to make a post about it and it alone. But of course I have to add in some festive pictures I took in my meeting. Jackie my leader always has the nicest displays! Aren't the wee chicks cute?
In the week coming up to Easter I've had a crazy amount of uni work to do, all dissertation / thesis related. Trying to get people tied down to an interview time is proving to be impossible. Anyway I've done a lot of work in my universities post-graduate center and I keep noticing all these nice quotes on the walls, this is the only one i can get a picture off so far as I hate making things obvious.
There was a wednesday coffee with the ladies, it was the first time I've ever sat where all three of us got the three sizes in cups. So naturally pictures had to be taken.
a fun eve
Coffee at my Nana's
Coffee with my sister
My cheaper yogen fruz fix (just as yummy)
a fun evening planned
Late for work so having to get the slowest bus in the history of the world.
Treadmill (still training for the 5k run I'm doing next week, still could really do with any donations, still way off my target :( http://www.justgiving.com/sazzle182)
And then by now I think most of you know I'm driving now, so last Tuesday was my first time with the car. We went to Carrick as our first wee road trip.
and got some (awful) fish and chips for dinner while out there, eating them in the car infront of the sea - I'm petrified of birds and they all began staring at us
This one was the trouble maker.
Another easter treat included this muffin
I love lollies. Mostly the frozen juice kind, so I tend to freeze sugar free juice to give myself a frozen and zero pro-point treat.
I think it was last wednesday I went on a very long walk with my aunt and cousin. We walked from the city center out to Belfast Castle, around the grounds, through the country park and then to my house, I meant to use my pedometer to clock up the distance but I forgot. I do know that over all that day I walked just short of 13 miles, so that can give you some sort of idea. Here are some pictures I took on the walk
A girl I work with, Lillian, gave me these beautiful Russian Dolls (actually from Russia) for the whole driving thing, I had to include a picture of them, aren't they beautiful? The smallest one is so, so adorable!
My daddy got me this wee knitted chick / duck, it's a cosy for your eggs, be it boiled or chocolate. So, so cute.
More frozen yogurt seeing as we seem to be having our 1 week of summer in Ireland at the minute.
Unhealthy lunch of an americano and a muffin
I don't know what I was thinking when I got this. I had 3 mouthfuls and it hit the bin. Truly foul.
On Easter Sunday we decided to go on a day trip, first to pirate mini golf, and then onto Bangor for some lunch and a stroll by the marina. The mini golf was brilliant. Brilliant music played as well!
We drove into Bangor and had lunch at Little Wing, although nice enough. I really don't know what the fuss is with this chain.
A wee stroll and an icecream
posey pictures
the marina
until the weather looked like it was going to break and then it was back in the car and back to Belfast.
Back to the house where there was more chocolate, some wine and a few audrey hepburn movies (Sabrina and Roman Holiday, 'cus Gav had never seen either! How shocking!)
So that was my Easter this year. I had no meeting today as the meetings in the Belfast area isn't on, but I've had a few emails from people asking do I know if the meetings are on for the rest of the week and the answer to that is yes - they are, so get going!
I've obviously had a very indulgent week or so, but I'll talk about that more in the next post, which covers my last meeting topic. It'll be a few days though, I staved my finger yesterday and typing is a bitch, most of this has been done on my phone and my thumbs hurt.
Til next time,
Sarah xx
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